Monday, November 23, 2009

Scratch that, reverse it.

So unfortunately my ramblings about tour are no longer going ahead, sometimes this happens some days you have to realise that this business is exactly that - a business. But i'm happy to see through starry eyes and not worry about that shit. Lately it has been an endless stream of conversations about timing, marketing and business business business and i cant help but vent my frustration, when did doing what you love become about making other people money? I'm not so naive to not realise that it has always been this way but it has just become more apparent lately.

On the other hand i have been sitting at my desk for the last hour listening to our new record and for once i felt like i actually got out what i wanted to say there have been a few topics i have wanted to write about for years but could never quite say exactly what i want and i feel like Far and i have accomplished that, which is a nice feeling. Plus when a certain new song hits 1:54 i smile until the song ends, you will see what i mean soon.

Now go down to your local comic/book shop buy everything "Fables" you can get your hands on and thank me later. Its honestly consuming my life haha.

Your continued support makes us all sleep better.

Brett x

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The good with the bad.

Hey there,

Just thought i would drop in and let you guys know everything that is going on we have plenty to talk about so get comfortable.

First things first, Drew is no longer a part of The Mission In Motion this was his decision as he had things in his life that he wanted to pursue and we all 100% support him in everything he will be doing, there is no big juicy story here, sometimes peoples priorities change and thats just the way it is we want to thank him for everything over the past 5 years and being a part of all this with us.

Our new bassplayer is a handsome young fella named Rohan if you came to see us on the Kenny Vasoli tour you would have seen him in action, we are stoked to have such a great musician and friend join our band if you see him around at shows make sure you go and introduce yourself to him.

While we are on the topic of our friend Kenny and the tour we recently partook with him i just want to say that none of us have had a better time on tour than we did on this one it was amazing and there was so much of it that we will all remember forever including the last night of the tour where us, our friends ellington and all our friends who tour with us sat on the stage in Brisbane while Kenny played and everyone sang along. Amazing night and amazing tour thank you to Kenny and Michelle for coming to hang out with us.

THE ALBUM - is nearly finished the last days of recording were pushed back due to the studio being in construction so this weekend i believe we will have it finished there are a few surprises on there and songs that we are all very proud of and we cannot wait for you guys to get your hands on it.

TOUR - i cant give away any details but we will be out on the road again really soon, pretty excited about it and all shall be revealed very soon.

Ok im off to get sushi and do some christmas shopping, is it really November already??? my my my.

Take care,


Saturday, September 26, 2009

Drive Well, Sleep Carefully

Hello Friends,

I am writing to you from my bedroom after my first full day off from the studio, i have caught up on some reading, organised some flights and other things for tour and am feeling very productive hence the blog update!!!

STUDIO - we are NEARLY finished, everything is coming together amazingly the more that gets finished the more excited we get, there are some definite surprises on this record that i hope you will all enjoy and i think we have summed up the last year of our lives quite nicely. I start tracking vocals again on Wednesday and then mixing Thursday and Friday and then thats it! So i am feeling very thankful that we are coming to an end to all this madness. This record has been ridiculous amounts of work but it will all be worth it we all have empty pockets but everyone is stoked to show you all these new songs.

TOUR - we are currently cramming practices in between studio time to get ready for our up coming tour with Kenny Vasoli, from being a kid listening to Drive Thru bands to actually touring with someone we all greatly respect and someone who we have listened to for years is something we havent quite wrapped our heads around yet but as usual as soon as tour starts i will be letting you know how the tour is and probably how many times ive made an ass of myself geeking out and telling Kenny how amazing i think he is. Stay posted.

On that note i will leave you but a friend of ours Andy Ratcliffe was nice enough to send me some photos he has taken while being out on the road with us over the last year and a half and also some photos from us in the studio so im gonna post them below.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Golden Days.

Hey Guys,

I am writing to you from the studio where i have had too much caffeine and not enough food so if this gets a little weird my apologies are in advance.

We have just finished another drum track and im about to get up off this couch and start singing, my voice feels good, thanks for asking.

500 days of summer was great, highly reccomend it, still listening to the damnwells every five seconds and asking myself why i dont write songs this good hahaha.

We are taking quite a bit of video footage while we are here in the studio so hopefully we can edit it all together into something nice for you to all check out.

Ok im writing cos im procrastinating i better go do something productive.


Saturday, September 12, 2009

Somewhere between nothing and something is everything.

So i was pretty excited to see im not talking to myself!! hahahaha thank you for all your emails they were most welcome. I am about to head out the door to go to Far's house to work on another new song, we finished one off yesterday which we are pretty happy with, on the odd occasion alcohol will cure writers block, not always, but sometimes it will.

I have been listening to The Damnwells - One Last Century, its really really good. Suits the warmer weather we are having here in Sydney you can get it for free at their website so you dont have to feel guilty for ripping it somewhere else. Give it a shot, especially Bastards of Midnight, Dandelion and Everything, so good.

I am heading out to see 500 days of summer tonight and hopefully it will set the tone for a good summer, or maybe im relying on that too much? haha ill let you know what i think.

Cant believe there is still a month till tour, been waiting forever.

Bretty x

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I've been waiting.

Hello there,

So its been a while (do i start every post like this cos i feel like i do?) and i have no idea if anyone reads this thing, if im talking to myself at least i have something to read later so i know what i got up to right?

Anyway recording is getting there still we start again on the 13th of September for the last run of recording so we are busy getting last minute songs finished and i am frantically pushing myself to pump out lyrics at breakneck speed. I feel like this record is going to be something we are all going to be super proud of, its been a fucking crazy struggle and a massive uphill battle for everyone involved but i guess thats gonna make it all the more an accomplishment when we finish. The last year has been a tough one for everyone involved in this record and i believe that shows in the songs and i think that gives it more merit, its not so easy to write songs when everything is awesome right? right.

So if you are one of those people who reads this and checks it i can tell you that our first single is going to be a song called "Believer" and it will find your ears in the next 2 months, we will be shooting a video for it in the coming weeks so we will keep you updated as to when you can check that out.

Also speaking of videos our video for "A Curse, A Calling" has made its way onto the internet so if you search youtube you can check that out.

Other than that we are just super anxious to get this recording done cos when that is done we can get excited about showing you all.

oh and go get your hands on the new Owen album "new leaves" cos its great.



PS If you actually read this send me an email im kinda curious xo.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

And You Dont Want To Look Surprised But Your In Constant Awe.

Evening all,

We have spent the last few weeks tucked away like trolls in caves recording 2 brand new songs for our upcoming album. Now the deal is that we have recorded these two songs that we are going to decide between for the first single then spend another month writing and rehearsing then go back into the studio to finish the rest of the album it sounds strange but this was the quickest way we could get a new song to your (hopefully) eager little ears so by the time we go back into the studio the first single should be released (again, hopefully!).

So everything is pretty much going full speed ahead currently, tours are being organised (and nearly ready to be announced) we are bringing someone out that we couldnt be more excited about so everyone is really stoked.

Ideas are being put together for a video shoot so we are siked about that and yeah thats pretty much whats been happening with us.

Anyway i shall see you all very soon (october to be exact).


PS i was right about the new as tall as lions record.
PPS everyone who keeps commenting our facebook, it isnt run by us but we all read it everyday so keep hittin it!!!!!